Today, citrus fruits can be found around the world, but their roots have been traced back to the foothills of the Himalayas, the first trees which appeared around 8 million years ago. Lemons, in particular, contain many health benefits due to the high levels of vitamin c, soluble fiber and various plant compounds. Whether used in cooking or in beverages, they not only enhance your health but lend a bright freshness to flavors. 


3 Ways to Incorporate Lemons into Your Diet

Drinking Lemon Water 

Drinking water with lemon juice or slices will help keep you hydrated, boost your immune system and support your digestive health. 


Cooking with Lemons 

Adding fresh lemon zest or juice enhances the overall flavor of both cooking and baking and supplies all the benefits.


Drinking Lemon Juice

  • Lemon juice mixed with ginger and honey or in a Hot Toddy is not only comforting but soothing with all the side benefits.
  • It will also help you feel full longer which helps with weight control. 
  • Lemon juice may also be applied topically to skin to brighten, exfoliate and freshen 


Fun fact: A bunch of lemons is called a pucker of lemons